Can i create a blog for free
Can i create a blog for free

  1. Can i create a blog for free update#
  2. Can i create a blog for free professional#

Many themes also have tag clouds-a quick and easy way to show what you post about most. Tags are used in site searches, and are often listed somewhere on the post. Subcategories can be useful if you have a lot of similar content (say writing) but isn’t all directly related. You will need to add information about your email, name and a password. You can use more than one category per post (only posts can be categorized), and create subcategories. Click on the option to start to sign up for a new account. Since I use my website as both a blog and a freelance portfolio, I chose categories that reflect the areas I work in the most. Voila!Ĭategories: Categories are like folders in a filing cabinet.They give you an easy way to sort posts and, in some theme,s create a handy menu bar.

can i create a blog for free

(Use the "Paste From Word" function if you’re pasting from a word processor.) Don’t forget a title! Scroll down the right menu, and select the categories your post fits-say, writing samples-then hit save (for a draft) or publish to go live. Find the posts menu then click “add new.” Type or paste your content into the text box. Let’s say you want to put some writing samples on your new site (a good idea, by the way). Click on “My Dashboard” in the menu bar at the top of the page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to change it.)ĥ. Free platforms usually offer only limited control over your content and do not include any monetization options which drastically reduces the range of.

Can i create a blog for free update#

(E-mail didn’t arrive? Check the update profile page to ensure your e-mail addy is correct. Check your inbox for the activation e-mail. Don’t just skip the “about yourself” section-take every opportunity to connect with your readers.ģ. Follow the prompts and update your profile. Heres how you can create your own free downloads/printables for your blog all by yourself, for free, using Canva I use Canva literally every day for my.

can i create a blog for free

(Your username and blog title can be changed in settings at any time.)Ģ. Think carefully about your domain name-you can’t change it later. And remember, if it’s something you’d be embarrassed to talk about down at the local coffee house, don’t put it on the Internet! Ready to get started? Here’s what you need to know.ġ. After you will be able to select whether you want a creator account or a business account.

Can i create a blog for free professional#

Next, click Switch to Professional Account. Some details are okay-in fact, you’re more likely to connect with readers by giving them some idea of who you are-just don’t go overboard. In the menu that follows, click on Account. Keep it professional, though-it’s easy to fall into the trap of regular personal updates, such as what you ate for breakfast and how many times Baby has spat-up (twice in the last hour, if you’re wondering).

Can i create a blog for free